Mollie’s Birth Story

28 February 2025

On Monday 13th February I started to feel like things were happening…

That evening I had dinner at my mother in laws and made a comment to say I think you may need to have Arabella tonight (she was my childcare). That evening I went home and had a mad moment of wanting to iron my daughters clothes and at 10pm I started to have contractions which were lasting around a minute but ten minutes a part, I was bouncing on my ball and set the ambience in my lounge with candles, lavender and lightening to increase my oxytocin.

By the time the contractions were around 6 minutes apart we called the Horton Hospital and prepared them for our imminent arrival. We left the house around 2.45am and was put into the delivery suites where the midwife carried out the initial checks and undertook an examination and found I was 4cm dilated. However on the following contractions and measuring little ones heart rate they found it was dropping below what they like it to be so therefore the midwife took the decision to transfer us to the JR Hospital as that was the best place for us to receive the care and attention that we all needed as a precaution.

We were transferred by ambulance (not fun in thick fog at 4am and contracting) I listened to my midwife in the ambulance and was using gas an air and breathing techniques to keep calm and in control. On arrival we were taken into delivery suite where a constant monitor was put on me to make sure baby was ok. The contractions were extremely strong progress was very fast (even taken the midwife by surprise) I was using the gas and air I was in control of the situation and let me body take over. I felt the urge to push around 5.40am and by 6.07am our beautiful baby daughter Tabitha May Lowe entered the world safely weighing 7lbs 14oz.

I feel the hypnobirthing contributed significantly to my positive experience due to having a previous traumatic experience at the JR with my first child. I was extremely proud of myself for managing my anxiety and fear. Thank you Amy for all of your guidance and support.